Lenders are required to enter the following information in order to move from ‘Evaluation’ to ‘Qualified’:
- Property Type
- Street Address, City, State, Zip Code
- Number of Properties
- Loan Purpose
- Loan Strategy
- Purchase Price of Property (if Loan Purchase = Acquisition)
- Lender As-Is Valuation
- Lender ARV (Remaining Construction Reserve > 0)
- Projected Rehab Budget
- Note Origination
- Loan Origination Date (if Note Origination = Funded)
- Loan Maturity Date (if Note Origination = Funded)
- Term (if Note Origination = Funding into Origination or Table Funding)
- Lien Position
- Interest Rate
- Target Lender Spread
- Fully Funded Amount
- Total Construction Reserve (if applicable)
- Interest Reserve (if applicable)
- Other Reserves (if applicable)
- 2nd TD Holder (if applicable)
- 2nd TD Amount (if applicable)
- Remaining Construction Reserve (if applicable)
- Pari Passu Amount
- B-Piece Amount
- Borrower Type
- Recourse (if Borrower Type = Entity)
- Borrower/Guarantor FICO
- Sponsor Track Record
Note: Loans that fall outside our underwriting guidelines, are subject to review by our Investment Committee.
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