DocGen FAQs
- How do I add a Borrower that is a Trust to DocGen? The signature blocks aren’t populating correctly.
- Why does the Declaration of Non-Owner Occupancy show the borrower’s address rather than the authorized signatory’s address in the signature block?
- Who is the Lender vs. Broker in DocGen for Funding Into Origination deals?
- How do I use the PeerStreet DocGen solution?
- What is the Loan Document Generation Services Agreement, and why do I need to sign it?
- How do I get access to PeerStreet DocGen?
Working with PeerStreet
Underwriting Guidelines
- What happens if I need to put a loan on hold?
- What happens when I have a loan that is outside of the PeerStreet credit box?
- Will PeerStreet change the type of loans it buys?
- Does PeerStreet buy property types other than Single Family Residences (SFR) and Multifamily (MF)?
- What kind of Single Family Residence loans fit with PeerStreet?
Borrower Information
Loan Process
Submitting Loans
Due Diligence
- What documents are required for full due diligence?
- What diligence documents are required for initial review?
- Are condo and/or HOA documents required when selling a loan collateralized by a condo?
- What can I do to preempt diligence questions and expedite the process?
- How quickly does the diligence process begin once I upload a loan?
Appraisals and Valuations
- PeerSuite link embedding in an originator website
- Why do I see Goals on my dashboard?
- What does the ‘Sponsor Track Record’ field mean?
- What about title questions and escrow instructions?
- Who do I contact for questions outside of loan specifics/underwriting?
- Who do I contact for specific questions on a loan?